The Racehorse Squit Night

Before we get any comments to the contrary, 'squit' is a truly old Suffolk word simply meaning ‘nonsense’, ‘daft’, or ‘amusing/funny’ and it is used in a cheerful and friendly way. Therefore it shouldn't be confused with any other meaning! Moving on...

Squit Night is a new event for The Racehorse, which if successful we hope will become a regular feature on our calendar, so please come along and show your support.

The format of the evening is similar to the Open Mic Night, except that it is all acoustic and in addition to music it will include stories, poetry, performance, comedy etc.

Everyone is welcome to attend and watch, it should be a light-hearted, fun and entertaining evening. And, if you would like to take part by telling a short story, playing some music, singing etc. then you will be very welcome. Performers will be thanked with a free drink from the bar!

George Harvey