An update on The Race!


Once again, a big thank you to everyone who is supporting the Race for the Racehorse! The support has been truly fantastic from customers and volunteers alike and just goes to reinforce how important it is to raise the money to buy the pub! And a special thanks to all of you who have bought shares already.

We are now at the halfway stage in the share offer and at the last count have raised £86,000 through the sale of shares. While the total needed to purchase the Racehorse is £260,000, our aim is to raise £160,000 in shares from the community, with scope for the balance to be found from grants and loans. Still a long way to go!

So, if you have already invested, many thanks. Our next target is to cross the £100,000 mark and you can help us get there by spreading the word, encouraging others to invest and, if you are able to, investing more.

Remember that you can claim tax relief as well as earn interest on your shares, which makes it both an attractive financial investment as well as an investment in your community!

If you are planning on buying shares, now is the time to do it! The closer we get to our target, the easier it becomes for others to invest to. And remember that your investment is ring-fenced so, if we don’t buy the pub, your money will be returned.

Our Share Offer Document is available to read on the website with details of what it means to own shares in a Community Benefit Society, along with our Business Plan and other accompanying documents. If you have any questions, please get in contact with one of the committee.

Many thanks,

The Committee

George Harvey