Community Ownership Fund Success

Dear Friends,

We have some exciting news to share with you all...

The Racehorse has been successful in our application to the Community Ownership Fund for a grant of £96,600 to help buy the pub!

We were absolutely “gobsmacked” (in the words of Chris Punt!) when calls from Radio Suffolk and the East Anglian Daily Times told us the news had been announced in the Budget.

This will make a huge difference in securing the future of the pub as it means that we can now proceed with the purchase without a mortgage, enabling us to renovate the flat upstairs and develop the business without having the additional expense of the repayments. A real game changer for the Racehorse and cause to celebrate!

All our shareholders and subscribers can give themselves a big pat on the back as this has been a real team effort, an effort that at times required a great deal of patience! So, a massive thanks to you!

Our focus will now be on a speedy purchase and we have already started on the conveyancing. We will keep you posted on our immediate plans once we have digested the good news.

On a much sadder note, Stu Read, our vice-chairperson and a founder member of the Racehorse Committee, passed away earlier this week. We send our sincere condolences to Jenny and all the family. It would have been fitting and lovely if Stu had been able to share our good fortune.

At the Racehorse we are busy preparing for the colder months following a very successful summer - our turnover was well above our expectations. Our Quiz Nights with quizmaster Chris Punt, are proving very popular, Steve Thorpe is hosting an Open Mic Night, and we have plans for a regular Games Night. We have several events lined up in the run-up to Christmas and the New Year, starting this weekend with Halloween festivities; check out the Spooky Trail or drop by for a gory drink!

Best wishes from the Racehorse Committee,

Brenda, Andrew, Chris, George, Nick, Steve, Marion, Simon and Keith

P.S. If you watch BBC Look East this evening (28 Oct) you might catch a glimpse of The Racehorse!

Upcoming Events
Friday 29 October - Open Mic Night
Sunday 31 October - Halloween Festivities including Brunch, Music, Sausage Sizzle,Spooky Trail & more!
Thursday 4 November - Quiz Night
Thursday 11 November - History Group
Thursday 18 November - Cocktail Night
Friday 26 November - Open Mic Night
Thursday 2 December - Games Evening
Please look out for more events which are still to be confirmed
For further information or to book, please call in at the pub when we are open or tel: 01502 575665.

George Harvey