Shop at the Pub!


Your Community Pub wants to help you with your shopping…

The Racehorse food deliveries of meat, fruit and vegetables and bread have been working well and we would like to continue while setting up a ‘store cupboard shop’ to make shopping easier in these difficult times.

Initially we will open on a Wednesday and Friday, 10am to 1pm.

We will start with a basic stock of essentials plus a few specials which will include delicious homemade cakes, sausage rolls and some very useful Olson Face Masks.

The shop will be set up inside the pub with personal safety a priority. Please come along and have a look.

If you would like to pre order bread, fruit and veg or meat please contact us in one of the following ways:

Call: Brenda Smith on 01502 575800

Email: Marion Clarke by clicking here.

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