A message from The Racehorse Community Pub
First of all, can we wish everyone well during these difficult times. Please stay safe.
The COVID-19 virus has created an unprecedented situation for many businesses, and so it is with The Racehorse. We were starting to see some real progress in the enterprise and now we find ourselves, like every other pub, with closed doors.
But I want to tell you that we remain upbeat. After the first months of operation, we know we have the potential to be a really great community asset for Westhall, it’s surrounding villages and towns. Please understand we will make it happen. The Racehorse is still here!
The committee continues to meet and plan our way forward in what is an evolving situation. Elsewhere in this Newsletter, we talk about immediate help we can provide to the local community, but we also need to plan for that time when we will be able to move around more freely and The Racehorse opens it’s doors to one and all. What a day that will be!
So, what are we doing? Well, first of all we are looking to do some work on the pub during this time – cleaning, tidying, painting, repairing. All, of course, within the guidelines set by the government. We will also be looking at what options we have for continuing our rental, should the restrictions last a long time. We will be preparing for reopening, so we are ready to go as soon as we can. And we will planning in more detail the purchase.
So, there is still plenty to do. If you have any ideas on other things we might do during this time, or want to get more actively involved, please contact us. Remember, it is your community pub!
We will update you further as things progress. Once again, please stay safe.
The Racehorse Committee