Project Update - 6th April 2019
We began the task of raising the money needed to buy the Racehorse at the village hall on Thursday 27th September 2018 and we have been really encouraged by the pledges that we have received. We now have a total of £133,000 in pledges for shares, £15,000 in loans from local benefactors and a grant of £10,000 from the Villages Community Fund.
This total of £158,000 brought us within sight of achieving our aim to secure the Racehorse as a Community Pub and we recently made our second offer to purchase the Racehorse as we can see that we are very likely to be able to secure additional funding from The Plunkett Foundation if we had an offer of £200,000 accepted.
Unfortunately, our offer was declined and the Racehorse was taken off the market. We believe that our village pub may have a new owner soon. We do not have any further details, but will let you know if we are informed of any developments.
In the meantime we will keep things on hold and continue to use our Community Benefit Society to promote and support events in Westhall.
We have a ‘Pop Up Pub’ on Saturday 6th April and a ‘Community Cafe’ on Friday 3rd May. Both of these events will take place in the village Hall and provide an opportunity to get together and update. Please come along if you can.
Many thanks from the management committee