Newsletter - January 2020

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The Racehorse, our Community Pub

Newsletter No 1, January 2020


This is the first issue of our newsletter following the reopening of The Racehorse as a community pub. It will be available on the website (, via email if you have subscribed, and in paper at the pub. Please let us know what you think via ‘’. Happy reading!

The Race for The Racehorse – Getting Started

Phew! What a few weeks for The Racehorse! December was about negotiating a rental agreement as well as getting the pub in shape for opening. This started with a good turnout on the 1st of December to do weeding and general tidying. We were then given access to the inside and work began on cleaning, painting, sanding and polishing, tidying, checking and fixing and all the many things needed to get The Racehorse into shape after a period of closure. We had to organise suppliers as well as ourselves. So many people helped with this, giving time and energy for free to the enterprise.

It was always going to be important to open before Christmas, to get the benefit of holiday business and give the village a focus for the festivities. The week beginning 16th December was particularly tense, but we managed to sign the rental agreement and set up insurance on Friday the 20th, and we even opened at 5pm on that day!

The pub was open over the Christmas period, with a fantastic event on New Year’s Eve, and we have been open Thursday to Sunday since. We had a great Quiz Night in January, which was so well-attended we had to borrow chairs from the Village Hall (thank you, guys!). We have a daytime café serving tea, coffee, cakes and bacon sandwiches. While we haven’t been able to get the full catering facilities in place yet, we have had three Friday Fish and Chips nights, supported by a local Fish and Chip shop.

There are many, many people to thank for getting us to this point. So many of you have given time and energy in a whole range of different ways. Some of you have served on the committee, both now and in the past, some brought specialist skills, and others have provided plenty of enthusiasm to do even the least pleasant jobs that have been needed.

Café, Shop and Post Office

We are planning to open a shop in the near future, selling goods, at least initially over the bar counter. This is currently being planned.

Freshpac, our local coffee company, will be supplying us with coffee from next weekend, so come down and try some!

With the Parish Council, we met with the Post Office to discuss having a Post Office counter in the Racehorse. The most feasible option at the moment will be to have a hosted Outreach service for a few hours a week. It could take a few months, as The Post Office will have to recruit and install their own secure internet. So, all being well, we will have access to a Post Office in Spring. Once we have bought the pub we will look at other options.

The Brewsletter!

The beers from Green Jack Lowestoft have been very doing well, with Trawlerboys the most popular followed by LGM1 and Golden Best. These will form part of our regular core offering with appearances from other local breweries that compliment the styles we have on. So there will be a choice of styles, including light golden, hoppy and traditional Bitters and Best Bitters. We have a new beer from Bull of the Woods - Woodstock, a modern 4.2% session IPA, dry hopped with Taiheke New Zealand hops. Also on cask, two beers from Earl Soham Brewery, their classic Victoria Bitter 3.6% and the SIBA award winning Albert Ale 4.4%. Also now on from The Ampersand Brewery 1870, Runner, a Heritage Porter, 5.1% "A porter brewed to a traditional 1870’s recipe using Pale, Brown and Black malts for heaps of roasted coffee, dark chocolate and toasty flavours.”

Once we get keg lines checked and any kit replaced we can get a couple of lagers in, with a standard lager and a more premium offering.

We are always open to suggestions and are trying not to get tied to any particular company.We are also trying to get a regular wine supplier (or two) so we can make a core wine list with some specials, so wine drinkers will also be able to enjoy a regular favourite. Please let us know if you have enjoyed a particular wine (or not!) - feedback is important to us and it will enable us to improve our offering.

Events for February and March - Look out for further events on Facebook and posters

Games Evening Thursday 6th February

Valentines Meal Friday 14th February

Book Group Thursday 27th February

Quiz Night Thursday 5th March

Gardening Club Thursday March 12th

And don’t forget the Fish and Chip Night every Friday. Orders by 6:30 pm

The Racehorse Opening Times

Thursday 11 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 10 pm

Friday 11 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 11 pm

Saturday 11 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 11 pm

Sunday 11 am to 2 pm

Thank You to

Westhall Village Hall for supporting us, especially providing chairs for the Quiz Night.

David Miller for keeping us warm, by supplying logs and kindling for the fire.

Colin Porter for fixing the plumbing and heating to get us going.

Dan Foster for fixing the dodgy boiler transformer

Chris and Julia Punt for a great Quiz Night

And of course everyone who has been a volunteer in whatever capacity.

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