Westhall Village Barbecue



Our village barbeque took place on Sunday 8th July in glorious sunshine. We had a great turnout and there were plenty of activities to keep people amused. As well as the barbeque itself (to meet demand we had three going) we had a cake and teas stall as well as a bar. There were various games, a raffle and a grow a pumpkin stall.

One of the aims of the event was to publicise The Race for the Racehorse, our project to buy the local pub as a community asset and to reopen it to the benefit of all. The project start-up team had a stall with displays showing what has been going on and our plans to achieve the goal. There was plenty of interest, with almost everyone being very positive about the project. Several people offered to provide practical support, which was just what we needed.

The posters used in the display can be found here. Please contact a member of the Start-Up team, or send a message from the Contact Us section of this website if you have any questions or comments.

Stuart Read  


Guest User